‘Tis the Season

White House Nannies Jobs

Dec 15th, 2014

Wondering what to give your nanny? Every year we get calls for help from our client families who are trying to figure out just the right gift for their nannies. Once again, we went directly to our nannies and asked them to tell us what they really wanted. We hope the following suggestions can help you when making your shopping list.

This year there was almost unanimous response to our query. Everyone wanted either a bonus or a raise or something related to money. When we asked last year, nannies said they would like something they wouldn’t give themselves: Spa treatments, gift cards for favorite stores and restaurants, tickets to shows, concerts and the theater were requested by many. Others brought up the gift of gifts – an iPad or a more reasonable alternative, a Kindle. In 2014, no one mentioned technology.

I have always contended that cold hard cash is the most desired and most needed gift. Nannies tend to live pay check to pay check. Often they are the head of their households, sole supporters of their children. As for how much–that’s up to you. The dollar amount tends to relate to length of service and sometimes just how much you like your nanny. Some people do give a week’s salary for every year worked. (I realize that if your nanny has been with you for many years, this equation may not be feasible.) Some combine money with a gift and/or gifts from the children. While hand-made gifts from our children are lovely gestures, some amount of cash is definitely the preferred gift. This extra cash allows your nanny to buy for her family. Give what you can. I know it will be appreciated.

There is no better time to reward the person taking care of your children than now. I know how much your gifts are appreciated.

To learn about how we can help you find the right nanny for your family, contact us today at (301) 654-1242.