Angie, Brad, and the Kids

White House Nannies Jobs

Apr 22nd, 2011

We  have always thought of DC as Hollywood East. Until we read about Angie and Brad. They really take it to a different level. We think our clients are demanding–and they can be. Then we read about Brad and Angie. We think it’s tough to  find the perfect nanny for a family of two  in this town–then we read about the  nanny pool for Angie and Brad. Think about staffing nannies for a family with six kids!!! Here’s what the famous parents want:  college grads with Elementary Ed  degrees who speaks TWO languages. Each child has a nanny who speaks the language of his/her native country. The nannies have to be willing to travel. And we’re not talking the requisite Nantucket 2- 4 week stay. Travel with this family is  all over the world— they have their  3 homes in  New Orleans ,California,  and France . And then there are the movie sets. That’s when those education degrees come in so handy. The kids have classrooms whereever they are. But if you’re a nanny and have a boyfriend, forget it. I can’t imagine there’s much time to hang out with your honey. Now let’s talk about cost. Good thing they’re Angie and Brad. Salaries range between $50,000 and $150,000 per nanny. We did some quick math, and we’re glad Brad and Angie are such earners. Really, a million in childcare a year? We  thought this info was fascinating. We just wish we were the agency filling those jobs. Then again, I think we’ll stick to the challenges closer to home .

To learn about how we can help you find the right nanny for your family, contact us today at (301) 654-1242.