New Years Resolutions

White House Nannies Jobs

Jan 11th, 2011

2011. What’s on your New Year’s resolutions to-do list? Mine is a continuation from 2010. Exercise more, lose weight, red0 our website, lose weight, focus on social media, zero in on useful technology for the business, exercise more, etc.  This is a great time to take stock and make some changes. In the nanny world, I can think of some good ideas for our clients.

Make sure you are doing those weekly or bi-weekly sit-downs with your nanny to exchange information. It is the best way to avert big issues –nip them in the bud while they are little annoyances. It’s also the time to pass on the compliments for work well done. I don’t know of any nanny/family break-up where these meetings took place.

If you have young children and haven’t been out as a couple recently, make it official. Have a date night on the calendar at least once a month. Personally, we went out every Saturday night.  It was just to a movie or dinner, but it saved our sanity during our child rearing years. Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Call us and reserve a temp for a great evening out.

Talk to your kids about their resolutions. If there are areas of behavior that need some improvement, this is a perfect time to talk to them about your expectations  and set up some benchmarks. Let them help come up with some appropriate rewards that you can all agree on.  Maybe there are no behavior issues–the kids can come up with ways they want to improve themselves. Read more books, be kinder to a sibling, clean up their rooms, etc.

The new year is just a great time to take stock whether you are young or old–fat or thin.

To learn about how we can help you find the right nanny for your family, contact us today at (301) 654-1242.